
  1. Sweet Peanuts
    Sold out
  2. Cola Cubes - with the chewy center
    Sold out
  3. Toffee Bon Bons
    Sold out
  4. Milk Chocolate Eclairs
    Sold out
  5. Nutty Brazil Toffees
    Sold out
Free shipping Spend over £50, and get free delivery. Sweet!
We understand sweets We know what you want ; our Pick'N'Mix selections are testament to this.
Locally sourced treats We work with local suppliers to get the treats you deserve.
  • Free shipping Spend over £50, and get free delivery. Sweet!
  • We understand sweets We know what you want ; our Pick'N'Mix selections are testament to this.
  • Locally sourced treats We work with local suppliers to get the treats you deserve.